To all visitors to our website
A warm welcome to the Homepage of the Swiss Gastro-Intestinal Center:
Here you will find detailed information on the following organs which are to be found in the abdominal area: - The stomach - The intestine - the colon, the small intestine and the rectum - The pancreas - The liver - The gall bladder and the bile ducts - The oesophagus We also provide information on - Liver transplantation
We have described in simple language exactly how these organs function, what the most important diseases affecting them are, and what the possible operations are. At the same time, we introduce you to the Center itself and to its staff, so that you can obtain a comprehensive view of the skills and quality which are on offer at the Swiss Gastro-Intestinal Center. If you have any further questions, the information office at the Center will be pleased to answer them by e-mail. If you require a medical examination, please contact your own family doctor direct, or arrange an appointment at the Swiss Gastro-Intestinal Center.
With our very best wishes
The Swiss Gastro-Intestinal Center