PD Dr. med. Christian Seiler
Stellvertr. Chefarzt Klinik für Viszerale und Transplantationschirurgie
Address PD Dr. med. Christian Seiler
Chefarzt a.i.
Klinik für Viszerale und Transplantationschirurgie
CH-3010 Bern

General Surgery
Medical Training Medical School / Medizinische Ausbildung
University of Bern (1972-1978)
Medical Qualification / Medizinische Qualifikation
· University of Bern (1972-1978)
- Diploma of the Swiss Confoederation for Doctors - Qualified in Medicine (1978)
· Doctor of Medicine, MD (1981)
- Certified in Surgery
- Specialist FMH for Surgery (1990)
Present Appointment
· Senior Staff Surgeon / Leitender Oberarzt I, Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery (Bern, Switzerland), (since 1994)
Previous Appointments
- Assistant (Resident)
Pathology Department of Pathology of the University of Bern (Prof. Dr. med. H. Cottier) (1979/1980)
- Surgical Experience (Resident/Fellow)
- General Surgery Trauma University Clinic for Visceral Surgery, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. Dr. med. R. Berchtold) (1981)
- Thoracic, Heart Vascular Surgery University Clinic for Thoracic, Heart and Vascular Surgery Inselspital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. Dr. med. A. Senn) (1982)
- General Surgery incl. Orthopedic Surgery + Trauma + Urology Department for General Surgery at District Hospital of Thun, Switzerland (Dr. H.P. Müller, Dr. C. Ghielmetti) (1983)
- Urology University Clinic for Urology, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. Dr. med. E. Zingg) (1984)
- Neurosurgery University Clinic for Neurosurgery, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. Dr. med. H.J. Reulen) (1984)
- General Surgery (incl. Orthopedic Surgery Trauma, Urology, Intensive Care Department of General Surgery at District Hospital of Biel (including rotation on Orthopedic Surgery, Urology, Intensive Care Service) (Prof. Dr. med. H.R. Schultheiss) (1985/1986)
Staff/Consultant Surgeon
- General Surgery incl. Hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surgery, Emergency-/ Trauma/Intensive Care Transplantation Surgery Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University of Bern Inselspital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. L.H. Blumgart) (1987/1990)
Visiting Assistant Professor for Clinical Surgery
General Surgery incl. Emergency Trauma, Intensive Care, Visceral, Thoracic, Vascular Surgery, Urology Transplantation Surgery Los Angeles County - University of Southern California LAC-USC Medical Center, USC School of Medecine Dept. of Surgery, Los Angeles, California USA (A.J. Donovan/T.R. DeMeester, Chairmen) T.V. Bern, A.E. Yellin, H. Silberman, (Professors of Surgery) (1990/1991)
Senior Staff/Consultant Surgeon (Oberarzt I)
- General Surgery (hepato-biliary, pancreatic, foregut, colorectal, endocrine, laparoscopic) incl. Transplantation/ Emergency/ Trauma/ Intensive Care Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University of Bern Inselspital Bern, Switzerland (Prof. Dr. med. Ph. Gertsch, Prof. Dr. med. A. Czerniak, Prof. Dr. med. M.W. Büchler) (1991-1994)

- Swiss Medical Society (1979)
- Swiss Surgical Society (1989)
- Swiss Society of Thoracoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery (1993)
- Swiss Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (1993)
- Foundation board of Swisstransplant (1993)
- Executive committee of Swisstransplant (1992)
- Working group for Liver transplantation (STAL) of Swisstransplant, President (since 1993)
- Working group for Kidney transplantation (STAN) of Swisstransplant (1992)
- Swiss Club of Transplantation, President (since 1993)
- Attending Staff Association Los Angeles County
- University of Southern California, Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA (since 1990)
- Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (since 1992)
- International Society of Surgery (ISS) (1995)
- International Association for the Surgery of Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care (IATSIC) (1995)
- Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (SASL) (1995) Revisor
- European Digestiv Surgery (1995)
- Swiss Society for visceral Surgery (1996)
- Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) (1997)

Scientific Appointents Co Editor "Swiss Surgery" since 9/1994  
Publications - 8 Buchtitel (Mitarbeit)
- über 90 Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen;
- sowie Videos von Operationen