Prof. Dr. med. Daniel Candinas
Direktor Klinik für Viszerale und Transplantationschirurgie

Prof. Dr. med. Daniel Candinas
Klinik für Viszerale und Transplantationschirurgie
CH-3010 Bern,


Medizinischer Werdegang

- Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich (1981-87)
- Swiss Federal Medical Diploma; University of Zurich (1987)
- MD thesis on quality control in elective general surgery. Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich (1991)
- Specialist in General Surgery, Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum (Swiss Medical Association) (1994)
Temporary License, General Medical Council, UK (1993-94)
- Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (1995-96)
- Habilitation, University of Zurich. Privatdozent and Venia legendi in General and Transplant Surgery (1997)
- CCST Registration in General Surgery, United Kingdom (1999)
- Full GMC Registration as Medical Practitioner (1999)
- Home Office Personal License (Modules 1-4). (2000)
- Diplôme Universitaire en Chirurgie Laparoscopique. Faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg, France (2000)
- Staff Development Review Module, University of Birmingham, UK (2001)
- Hospital Management Course, Swiss Surgical Society (2001)


- General Surgery: Department of Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland.(1988-1989)
- General Surgery, Kantonales Spital Uznach (1989-1990) Pediatric Surgery: University Children's Hospital of Zurich, Zurich (1990)
- General and Transplantation Surgery Department of Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich (1991-1993)

- Research Fellow and Registrar, Liver and Hepatobiliary Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, U.K.(1993-1994)
- Research Fellow, Sandoz Center for Immunobiology, Department of Surgery, New England Deaconess Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA (1994-1995)
- Instructor in Surgery, Department of Surgery, New England Deaconess Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA (1995-1996)
Staff Surgeon
- Oberarzt, Department of Surgery, University of Zurich Hospital, Switzerland (1996-1999)
- Clinical lead, abdominal transplant program, University of Zurich Hospital (1999)
- Consultant Surgeon, Liver and Hepatobiliary Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom (1999-2002
- Department of Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University Hospital of Bern (2002)


Schnellzugriff - Das Team
Prof. Dr. Daniel Candinas
PD Dr. Christian Seiler

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Scheurer
PD Dr. Frank Seibold
PD Dr. Peter Diem
Prof. Jürg Reichen
Prof. Peter Vock
Prof. Martin Fey
PD Dr. Markus Borner
Slavka Radnic
Anna-Barbara Sterchi
Pascal Fraenkler